Supporting Children To Feel Safe, Seen, Soothed & Secure Through Our Bespoke Workshops

Our range of workshops for school transition, managing exam stress and Mental Health Week themes

We offer a variety of bespoke workshops throughout the year to support children through a range of themes. Our workshops include School Transition Workshops, Coping with Exams, and sessions throughout Children’s Mental Health week tailored to the annual theme.


Our bespoke workshops include:

Supermovers: Our School Transition Workshop

Supermovers is our school transition workshop designed specifically for Year 6 pupils moving to secondary school. Through engaging activities, we tackle common myths, provide students with the tools to manage their emotions, and encourage them to recognise their strengths. Each child receives their own toolkit and journal to guide them through this important transition, empowering them with the confidence and resources to thrive in their new school environment.

Our Supermovers Workshop includes:

  • 1.5 hour session for your school
  • Creative transition journal for every child
  • Regulation toolkit for every child
  • Transition lesson plans for your teaching sessions
  • Parent Transition Workshops
  • Milk-Shake & Meet-Up: Our sessions over the summer holidays for Year 6 pupils to meet with new school starters

Tailored Mental Health Week Workshops

We offer tailored mental health workshops for children in school during Children’s Mental Health Week, aligned with the annual theme. These workshops engage children through creative activities designed to connect with themselves and others. Each child is provided with creative resources to support their mental health.

Coping With Exams: Empowering Students With Coping Tools For Exam Season

We offer Coping With Exam workshops for pupils in school who are due to sit their exams. We recognise that this can be an overwhelming and stressful time for students, and so our workshop focuses on exploring the techniques to manage emotions, offering strategies for facing fears and overcoming challenges. Each child is provided with a toolkit and resources to support them throughout exam season, helping them to approach their exams with confidence and security.

Kind Time

Kind Time is our workshop designed for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, focusing on the importance of kindness, empathy and compassion. Through engaging in a storybook resource and creative craft activity, children learn the value of caring for themselves and others. Each child is given a cuddly teddy to remind them of the power of kindness. During these sessions, we work with teachers to develop a culture of kindness and compassion in the classroom. We have six different sessions to choose from – which can be selected as one-off workshops or as a series of sessions throughout the year.

Our story book resources and sessions include:

Kind: A story which explores kindness in a variety of ways. Friendship, caring for our family, our earth and ourselves are strong themes throughout this story. There is also the opportunity in this session for children to become local litter pickers with their family, showing kindness to their street and community.

You, Me and Empathy: The children will explore what empathy is and how listening and caring is really important. We will think about what it would be like to walk in other people’s shoes.

Monty the Manatee: This story book explores themes of friendship, bullying and the importance of showing kindness to people who look or act differently to us.

The Kindness Book: A creative story exploring ways in which younger children can be thoughtful and show understanding to friends and family in need of a smile or act of kindness.

The Kindness Quilt: A story book which focuses on the power of community kindness within your school and classroom and how as a collective, children can make kindness ripples to those around them.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: This story book is fantastic for getting the children to think about the power of their actions and words and how we can brighten someone’s day with how we treat them.

Cherished & Roar Misogyny Workshops

Our Cherished & Roar Misogyny Workshops are a series of sessions that provide a safe space for pupils in Year 9 to reflect upon the attitudes and values that can cause gender bias. We identify role models and who may influence our values and behaviours through our generational line. We also explore social media, and the impact that following the attitudes of influencers can have

Our three misogyny sessions include:

  • Identity, self-esteem & role models (boy group | girl group)
    Session one is a separate space for boys and girls to explore their identity, self-esteem and who they aspire to be. In this session we also explore the attitudes and stereotypes towards the opposite gender.
  • Gender bias & misogyny (boy group | girl group)
    In session two, we reflect upon the attitudes expressed toward both genders identified in the previous session. We then explore where these opinions may have come from (their generational line and social media). We then look towards our influence and how we as individuals can impact our next generation.
  • Team work & strength recognition (both groups together)
    The final session brings both the boys and girls together. In this session the pupils will reflect on their individual strengths and skills that make them unique. The boys and girls will work together to complete challenges.

School Lunch Time Sessions

Our school lunch time sessions are for children who have completed one of our school courses (Cherished Course, Kindness Counts or Roar Course) and would benefit from some additional support. These sessions would take place in a quiet classroom environment in your school during lunch hour. To refer a child for additional sessions, please contact our Cherished School Coordinator by emailing:

The voice of schools & workshop attendees

“The boys responded in a very positive way and valued having the chance to speak about their thoughts, feelings and emotions. The girls reported that they felt better about themselves and learnt they needed to be nicer to one another.”

Cardinal Wiseman

“I loved all of the ideas shared in the coping with exams workshop, especially about perfectionism. I am their Head of Year and this is something I will refer back to again and again.”

Sutton Girls Grammar

“The students absolutely loved the Supermover workshop with Cherished and the staff who ran them. Our children get so much out of working with the wonderful team at Cherished.”

Kings Rise Academy

“The Mental Health Week Workshop was both focused and relevant to the annual theme. It is very useful for classes who struggle with peer friendships and connecting well with others.”

Paget School

“I found the Supermovers workshop really helpful because it gave us the chance to talk about the things that we were worried about when moving to our new school.”

Yr 6 Supermovers Attendee

“Since the Coping With Exams workshop, I released that perfection doesn’t exist. I loved how interactive the workshop was and how I could reflect on the approaches I use to care for myself during exam time.”

Yr 11 Coping With Exams Workshop Attendee

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Unmasking Shame – Healing Relationships Through Awareness and Action

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